All Music Hits

Autors Komentāri: 2796
Sito gribēju ielikt pie tēmas "Pavasaris", bet rulz ār rulz.
2020-04-27 18:31:03
2020-04-28 00:00:23
Vien' jauk' dziesmiņ' no apvienības, kuras nosaukums ir "Liellopu galvu nociršana". Neskatoties uz nosaukumu, dziesmas ir pret dzīvnieku izmantošanu un nogalināšanu un cilvēces bezatbildīgo attieksmi pret mūsu planētu. Pisamies paši, bet nepisam prātu un dzīvi sev un citiem un vidi sev apkārt! Alas, the deed is done Mankind has come and gone Carbon-based life forms reset to day one Fire now rages on We thought we had enough time to redesign through human minds To do our time for this life of crime, seems this is the end of the line We casketed hope in bureaucracy, sunk to the bottom of the sea Out of sight, out of mind, out of love for money We deserve everything that's coming We'll take this world to our graves There's no fear for tomorrow when there's no trust for today There's no ever after, debts have to be paid We deserve everything that's coming We took this world to our graves, we made its creatures our slaves Shattered the hourglass, an un-erasable past Humans: Demons, deranged and depraved We deserve everything that's coming! We deserve everything that's coming! We deserve everything that's coming! We took this world to our graves! We deserve everything that's coming! We deserve everything that's coming! We deserve everything that's coming! We took this world to our graves! Alas, the deed is done Mankind now dead and gone Post-Anthropocen, Earth reset to day one Fire now rages on There's no fear for tomorrow when there's no trust for today There's no ever after, debts have to be paid We deserve everything that's coming We took this world to our graves, we made its creatures our slaves Shattered the hourglass, an un-erasable past Humans: Demons, deranged and depraved And I count the days till we expire our ways And I count the days tlll we expire for always To be alive is to survive everything To make due with anything, until we die To be alive is to squander everything To stumble towards anything, to feel alive
2020-04-28 05:04:30 Buritooooo.... Tik samtaina un patīkama balss Garikam
2020-04-28 20:09:07
2020-04-28 21:30:47
Sen te neesu neko licis....:pipe:
2020-04-29 18:40:47
2020-05-03 17:35:45
Pizģec.nostalģija.jaunību atcerējos.
2020-05-03 17:46:16
Ka Šērsingeri varētu trahnuķ... eh....
2020-05-11 10:03:27
2020-05-11 15:43:46
2020-05-20 21:01:50
2020-05-27 21:41:33
:pipe:.... laba klasika....labs noformējums...:pipe:....
2020-05-28 08:09:57
Jāiemet kas mierīgāks....ārpus kebabiem un smaržām...:pipe:
2020-05-28 15:56:26
Cik daudz tomēr dod sižets....un labas mūzikas salikums.....:pipe:
2020-05-28 16:57:33
Pietrūkst radio 1 klasikas.
2020-05-28 17:30:38
2020-05-28 17:36:36
sižets labs....:pipe:
2020-06-12 08:29:26
2020-06-15 04:37:54
.... Kaut kā uzmācīgi un jau kuro reizi man You Tube izmet šo klipu kā piedāvājumu paklausīties....:pipe:.... he... Sasodīc!.....Kaut kur likās manīts tēls uzpeldēja.......:pipe:.... Un tad kā zibens no debesīm!!!!... :shock: :shock: ....bāc..... tā tak Rīgas tramvaju Princese..!!!>.. :pipe:... :shock: :shock: :shock: ..... un sakat vēl ka nepastāv virtuālais intelekts......:pipe:
2020-06-17 07:25:00