Автор | Комментарии: 29 |
удаленный пользователь
čaviņa card! :-D
2008-04-08 20:03:28
удаленный пользователь
The English noun fellatio comes from fellātus, which in Latin is the past participle of the verb fellāre, meaning to suck. In Fellatio the -us is replaced by the -io, an alternate form of the suffix -ion. The -ion or -io ending is used in English to create nouns from Latin adjectives and indicate a state or action wherein the Latin verb is being, or has been, performed. Further English words have been created based on the same Latin root. A person who performs fellatio upon another may be termed a fellator. Because of Latin\'s gender based declension, this word may be restricted by some English speakers to describing a male. The equivalent female term is fellatrix. This is a similar situation to the pair of English words dominator and dominatrix.
2008-04-08 20:02:17
удаленный пользователь
cau kenija..:D
2008-04-08 20:01:43
удаленный пользователь
Laikam jau tiesi sis nosaukums skaitas zinatnisks, dzirdejis esmu sito vardu un diez vai to izdomaja parastie cilveki :lol:
2008-04-08 20:00:59
удаленный пользователь
google vispar neko neatrod tikai eizhenu
2008-04-08 20:00:27
удаленный пользователь
Eižens Fellācijs nāk man pretim
2008-04-08 20:00:13
удаленный пользователь
2008-04-08 19:58:41
удаленный пользователь
Nav dzirdēts un kas tad ir :lol:
2008-04-08 19:57:54
удаленный пользователь
kads ir dzirdejis ka minetu sauc arii par FELECIJU ??? :DDD
2008-04-08 19:56:05
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